Ansys acoustics model of far field SPF polar plot at 2000 Hz

Ansys Acoustic Simulations

Ansys has added an abundance of Acoustics Simulation features in the Workbench environment over the releases starting from Rel. 15.0. In addition to solver enhancements by way of adding a higher order acoustics element several pre and post processing features are exposed in Workbench. This technical note is intended to give a brief exposure of the basic acoustic fluid-structure simulation features available using simple examples.

Ansys acoustic model of enclosed domain showing response pressure
Enclosed Domain Acoustics - Response Pressure

Enclosed Domain Acoustics

Sound pressure waves emanating from a sound source, such as a vibrating cone of an audio system speaker cone for example, travels outbound till it arrives at the boundary and gets reflected back to within the enclosed domain. The outgoing and reflected wave then interact and produce a standing wave pattern inside the enclosure. An example of enclosed domain acoustics would be simulation of an audio system speaker placed inside an auditorium.


Ansys acoustic model of unbounded acoustic domain showing response SPL at 1050 Hz
Unbounded Acoustic Domain - Response SPL at 1050 Hz

Unbounded Domain Acoustics

An example of unbounded domain acoustics would be; simulation of airplane jet noise where the sound pressure wave travels farther beyond the computational domain modeled around the source. So, at the boundary of the computational domain we place a nonreflecting (absorbing) boundary that would enforce both p->0 and dp/dn ->0 as r->infinity (Sommerfeld nonreflecting boundary condition).


Learn More about Ansys Acoustic Simulations

If you need any assistance with your Ansys acoustic simulation processes, please contact our team for personalized help.

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